OBD2 Scanner Blog | OBD2 Diagnostic Tool Tech Support-Confirmed! the iprog clone is verified to work without any issue. Here is the iProg Pro 69 user manual, incl. software download, install, test report...
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Oil Reset Tool X200S is a kind of professional hand auto maintenance resetter, including CBS and OIL resetting, tire pressure alarm lamp resetting(by hand),timing belt CBS reset(by hand), OBDII engine diagnosis, brake pad changing of EPB Electronic Brake and other functions for resetting.Support the newest cars with CAN BUS and UDS agreements.
VXDIAG Support Benz With HDD, Benz software include two versions of PASSTHRU & PDU, including DAS, Xentry software. Version of PDU support new car models of 222, 213, 205 etc, other car models need to usepassthru version to diagnose. Not support old models of 210, 203, 220 with K-Line communication. It support connections of WIFI, LAN and USB.
When repairing machinery, you will frequently find that some bolts are exceptionally difficult to remove.The traditional solution to this problem has been to apply a flame to the bolt, which will loosen it, but this method is both dangerous and time consuming.With today’s, inefficient parts remove can seriously erode your profit.The sooner vehicles can be repairs begun, the sooner you start making money.
WOYO PDR LED Light APP is a portable diagnostic vehicle dent tool, which helps find and repair the auto dent by himself/herself. It features adjustable color temperature from 3200K to 5600K with LED display, applying to any condition of light source, three powerful suckers at any angle, and checking any dent on the surface of all kinds of medal plane.
BMW CAS4 CAN-filter is a special module allows to adjust mileage readings in BMW F01, F07, F10 and X3 2011-2012 (with motorola processor 9S12 XEP mask 5M48H / 4M48H – SC 66 7095 CAG).
WOYO PDR LED Light APP is a portable diagnostic vehicle dent tool, which helps find and repair the auto dent by himself/herself. It features adjustable color temperature from 3200K to 5600K with LED display, applying to any condition of light source, three powerful suckers at any angle, and checking any dent on the surface of all kinds of medal plane.
2020.8 Wifi BMW ICOM NEXT A+B+C is the latest generation diagnostic head for BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce BMW model.Replaces BMW ICOM A2, including all the features of ICOM A2.We offer this package with latest BMW ICOM HDD on the Second Hand Lenovo T410 Laptop to install ready for you.
Wifi BMW ICOM NEXT A + B + C with 2020.5V Software Plus EVG7 4GB Diagnostic Controller Tablet PC ,latest software comes with Package ,supports most of your newest vehicles.
VXDIAG MULTI Diagnostic Tool for Porsche and LandRover With powerful functions and full access. There is no laptop inside package, only contains software on HDD which fit Panasonic CF-30 and Lenovo E49 laptop which has 2GB memory or 4GB memory.
This new arrival HEX V2 is a genuine , real hex v2 interface with full functions, not need vcdaloder for all languages,only support English and Chinese version VCDS, it's the best only use the software in the CD.
LAUNCH CRP818 is a professional diagnostic tool for European passenger vehicles, with advantages of wide car model coverage, powerful test functions, accurate test data, and online diagnostics. It supports system-wide basic diagnostic functions incl. Reading DTC, Clearing DTC and Reading Data Stream and 5 common service and reset functions.
Vident iEasy310 CAN OBDII/EOBD Code Reader is a rugged design and non-portable code reader for entry-level professionals and savvy DIY people.iEasy310 is truly the ultimate choice for functionality and affordability.